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Oil additive for diesel engine Atomium Active Diesel Plus (> 50.000 km) to restore compression, power and eliminate oil consumption, 90ml

  • Availability: In Stock
  • Product Code: at121151
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Engine oil additive Atomium Active Diesel Plus is designed for treatment of diesel engines of passenger vehicles and light trucks with mileage more than 50 000 km

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Oil additive to restore performance parameters characteristics of diesel engines with mileage more than 50.000 kilometers.

By restoring weared friction surfaces the compound increases compression, power, acceleration, reduces fuel consumption. It also lowers wear speed and extends the engine lifetime and protects engine from breakdowns in emergency situations.

Suitable for all engine types and designs, including turbocharged ones. It doesn’t change oil properties and acts only on metallic surfaces.

Getting into the zones of local contacts of friction surfaces with a temperature of more than 1000 degrees and high pressure the mineral particles activate electronic connections in the metal. It allows the surface to capture the metal from the engine oil, which is there as a result of engine wear. Gradually, a special protective layer is formed on the entire friction surface. It is harder than a original surface and can hold denser oil film due to its porous structure.

Tribotechnical compound Atomium Active Plus Diesel contains a selection of minerals that is most effective for temperatures and loads of diesel engines.The concentration of the active component allows you to restore engines with significant wear. Thus Atomium additive is intended for diesel engines with a mileage of more than 50,000 kilometres with an oil system volume of up to 7 litres.

The protective layer on the friction surfaces restores the geometry of the parts, better retains a dense film of oil, which facilitates the operation of the engine and returns its nominal performance parameters.

Effects of application

  • Cleans up friction surfaces from lacquers and deposits, including de-coking of the piston rings;
  • Increases and levels compression in the cylinders (due to the formation of a new layer and sealing gaps in friction units);
  • Restores oil pressure in the engine oil system up to rated one;
  • Decreases oil burning;
  • Increases of the engine life by 1.5 - 2 times due to wear intensity decreasing;
  • Increases engine effective power as a result of efective fuel combustion, decreasing exhaust gases breakthrough to crankcase;
  • Reduces oil waste consumption in the engine up to 3 times due to the sealing piston rings;
  • Provides maximum engine protection in extreme working conditions, also in case of overloading or overheating and during «cold start-up»;
  • Makes start at low temperatures much easier;
  • Does not degrade operational characteristics of rubber parts;
  • Decreases fuel consumption of internal combustion engine to 8 - 10 % as a result of compression recovering;
  • Significantly  decreases noise and vibration levels by 5 - 10 dB due to forming of thick and resistant lubrication “pillow” on friction surfaces;
  • Decreases exhaust CO/CH emissions up to 50 % as a result of improvement of combustion quality;
  • Provides possibility of short-time run under oil starvation conditions or when oil  is completely lost;
  • Restores the work of valve lifters or hydraulic tappets;
  • Due to the fact that tribotechnical compounds Atomium does not contain any aggressive chemical components – it makes our products safe. It does not affect any properties of engine oil, does not artificially change engine operating modes, does not affect the condition of rubber parts-seals, seals, and so on.

Treatment of the engine with additive "Active Plus" is performed in three stages. At each stage it is necessary to add the compound to the engine oil according to the following procedure:

    Warm up the engine to operating temperature (normal operation).
    Turn off the engine.
    Carefully mix the contents of the bottle so that the sediment at the bottom is distributed throughout the entire volume of the liquid.
    Pour 1 bottle of the compound into the oil filler neck of the engine. (If the volume of the oil system is more than 7 litres, it is necessary to fill two bottles of the composition).
    Immediately after adding the compound, make a trip by car for 20-25 minutes in norm
    al operation.

After the application of the compound, the car can be used as usual.

Complete treatment of the engine is performed according to the following scheme:

Oil volume in the oil pan
StageFrom 2 to 7 ltrsFrom 7 to 10 ltrs
1 stageIn engine oil is added:
1 can2 cans
 About 1000 km of mileage till the oil replacement.
Changing the oil and oil filter *
2 stageIn new oil is added:
1 can2 cans
 Run the car in regular mode till the oil replacement.
Changing the oil and oil filter
3 stageIn new oil is added:
1 can2 cans
Regular operation

* If the mileage before the regular oil change is more than 1000 km, it is necessary to conduct a drip oil test every 500-1000 km. If the oil has become densely black, it is necessary to make its early replacement and go to the second stage.


    After full treatment with Active Plus, it is recommended to use Active Regular for each regular oil change to maintain the engine performance and protection level;
    To maintain engine performance we recommend to use multi-function cleaning additive to the diesel fuel ATOMIUM "SDA";
    To restore the transmission resource, it is recommended to use tribotechnical compound ATOMIUM "MGSB", "AGSB", "REDUCER»;
    To restore the characteristics of the power steering system, we recommend the compound ATOMIUM "HPS";
    To restore high-pressure fuel pumps, we recommend the compound of ATOMIUM "HPFP".


    It is not recommended to apply the lubricant at existence of mechanical breakages of parts and assemblies.
    Atomium Active Diesel Plus is compatible to any type of engine oils and doesn't change their properties.
    For providing continuous level of engine protection it is recommended to apply Atomium Regular 30 000 - 40 000 km after complete treatment with Atomium Active Diesel Plus.
    After 100 000 km complete  re- treatment is recommended.
    To achieve the full level of protection the treatment of all vehicle parts is recommended, such as transmission gears, hydraulic power steering etc.
    Precautions: Not harmful if applied correctly.

First aid:

    In case of a contact with skin remove the material wash out with warm water, and then wash again with soap.
    In case of contact with eyes wash out eyes with large amount of water.
    In case of swallowing consult a doctor.

There are many frequently asked questions about engine oil additives. People are looking for additives to fix certain problem: oil burning or knocking sound, worry if any oil additive work at all or if they are safe for the engine. Below we will try to clarify some frequent cases specific for diesel engines.

Do any oil additive work?

It is a very good question. We can’t say for all the types of additives, because there are a row of very different technologies used. There are ceramics based products, ones using heavy chemical components, soft metal additives and others. It is hard to decide which one is best as each of them has its own pro and contra.

  • Engine noise. Right clearances provide equal compression in cylinders which gives a well balance at each cycle. Engine work becomes “soft” and quiet. Proper clearances also reduces vibrations of parts and micro hits which allows to stop knocking or ticking sound.
  • Oil burning. Right clearances provide proper work of oil scraper rings. Oil is effectively removed from cylinders and doesn’t get in combustion chamber. As result it doesn’t burn out and you do not need to add oil during interservice period.
  • Another point are oil leaks. If you see oil spots on the ground under your car – it means that there is a seal in the engine body or some oil seals and gaskets are disrupted. These parts have no relation to friction and therefore tribocompound can’t help.

Atomium tribotechnical compounds are using special ability of nature minerals mined from the depth of 150-200 meters from under the ground. These minerals activate electrons in the friction surfaces and let them catch small metallic particles from the motor oil. It builds up a special protective layer which brings up many positive changes in the engine work.

Does it work? Answer – yes, because tribotechnical compounds are being sold and used since 2002 up to 5 millions engines are treated with no complaints.

Can oil additive restore my engine?

That is exactly what tribotechnical compound does. Thanks to protective metallic layer (see explanations above) engine parts are able to get back their original size and shape. It let them work as if they were new just from the conveyer. Right shape of friction surface means that there are optimal friction clearances between them which is important for proper work of the whole system. This is how engine performance is restored.

How to make engine start easier?

Protective layer created by tribotechnical compound on the cylinder surfaces is able to keep oil for a long time even when engine is off. It makes much easier for the starter to make first piston movements at the engine starts. It is especially important for diesel engines at cold weather. It also sufficiently reduces the wear caused by dry friction and let your engine to work longer.

How to extend lifetime of diesel turbin?

What may be relation between an oil additive and an engine turbine? Atomium compound restores friction clearances. This prevents oil breaks into combustion chamber and restores compression. After all it provides better fuel combustion and less amount of dirt and soot in the exhaust. Dirt and soot is deadly destructive for turbines as it changes weight balance of turbine blades. The cleaner they are – the longer turbine serves.

Additionally optimal friction clearances blocks breaks of exhaust gases to the oil. It prevents oil detergent properties, its density and other characteristics. Needless to say it seriously extend lifetime of the whole engine.

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